
Writers Sought for Livable Streets Wiki

The Open Planning Project, the publisher of Streetsblog and Streetfilms, is hiring writers to create an initial article base for “Streetswiki,” a web-based, community-written encyclopedia

Fix ConnDOT Policy First; Structural Reforms Can Wait

Connecticut’s legislative session opened earlier this month with much fanfare surrounding Governor Rell’s proposed split of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) into a Department

Improving Corzine's Asset Monetization Plan

New Jersey press outlets have been fixated on Governor Corzine’s asset monetization plan, printing dozens of articles daily. But few have covered potential changes that

Penn for Peds! A Campaign Is Named

7th Ave. between 34th and 35th Streets, during the afternoon rush. A couple of weeks ago, MTR asked readers to come up with an evocative

Victory in Highlands: Rt. 206 Plan Is Pulled

On February 4, Sussex County Freeholder Susan Zellman announced that funding for the widening of Route 206 in Byram Township had been removed from NJDOT’s

A Warning From the Past on Hudson River Crossings

The Tappan Zee/Interstate 287 study team’s decision to split the project’s environmental review into multiple phases — first selecting a transit alternative and finalizing bridge