Land Use Focus Finally Comes to Tappan Zee Bridge Project
On Tuesday, Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor project team consultant DMJM Harris quietly released a Request for Proposals, seeking the services of a contractor to perform
On Tuesday, Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor project team consultant DMJM Harris quietly released a Request for Proposals, seeking the services of a contractor to perform
If no news is good news, New Jersey is jumping for joy. After a year-long deluge of transportation, asset monetization, and toll road press and
The MTA’s credibility has not been helped by its decision to delay planned service improvements; the news broke just three weeks after the agency announced
L-R: New Haven’s Oak Street neighborhood in the 1950s, the area in the 1970s after the construction of the Route 34 Connector, and today. The
Bronx BRT press conference this morning. L-R: NYS Assemblymember Adriano Espaillat, Bronx BP Adolfo Carrion, MTA CEO Lee Sander, NYCDOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Mayor Bloomberg.
$354 million in immediate transit improvements and the long-term health of the New York regional transit system are at stake with one week left for
Two weeks ago, the price of crude oil reached an all-time high of about $110 a barrel. The price has since fallen to about $102.
Suffolk County’s vision for the future: Making sure roads like this become congested. At the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council’s annual meeting last week, principal
New Yorkers support congestion pricing 59%-38% if the money raised is used to improve mass transit, according to a Quinnipiac poll released last week. The
Absent mitigation, Access to the Region’s Core will bring overwhelming crowds to the NYC crosswalks and sidewalks highlighted in black. NJ Transit has released a
The Connecticut General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Transportation reported 31 bills out of committee as of Monday, the official deadline for doing so, on issues
News broke this week that our friends over at Transportation Alternatives are looking to hire an urban planner. According to the job posting, the planner