Former TSTC Staffer Damien Newton Takes Helm at Streetsblog LA!
Congratulations are due to former Tri-State Campaign NJ coordinator Damien Newton, who yesterday wrote his first post as editor of the new Streetsblog Los Angeles!
Congratulations are due to former Tri-State Campaign NJ coordinator Damien Newton, who yesterday wrote his first post as editor of the new Streetsblog Los Angeles!
“A few months ago we had legislators saying ‘ask us for money, ask us for money.’ Well, now we’re asking.” -MTA board member Andrew Albert
Earlier this week the Port Authority and NJ Transit announced a pilot whereby contactless bank cards would be used to pay fares at PATH stations
The great promise of New York’s congestion pricing plan is that it will raise critically needed money for public transit system expansion and repair. Congestion
TSTC’s website now includes an online clearinghouse of information on bus rapid transit, a transit mode which can combine rail’s speed and reliability with buses’
The Open Planning Project, the publisher of Streetsblog and Streetfilms, is hiring writers to create an initial article base for “Streetswiki,” a web-based, community-written encyclopedia
The news that NYSDOT was “tiering” the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 corridor project into separate phases was surprising enough (MTR ran stories on the announcement of
Connecticut’s legislative session opened earlier this month with much fanfare surrounding Governor Rell’s proposed split of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) into a Department
New Jersey press outlets have been fixated on Governor Corzine’s asset monetization plan, printing dozens of articles daily. But few have covered potential changes that
7th Ave. between 34th and 35th Streets, during the afternoon rush. A couple of weeks ago, MTR asked readers to come up with an evocative