
Author: Tri-State

NJ Legislation Steps in the Right Direction

NJ state legislators in Trenton have introduced three bills which would go hand-in-hand in protecting pedestrians in crosswalks: Introduced by Assemblymember Linda Stender and co-sponsored

In NYC, Three Cheers for the City Council

Campaign for New York’s Future members rallied at City Hall today, the day after the New York City Council voted in favor of congestion pricing.

NJ's Transportation Holding Pattern

If no news is good news, New Jersey is jumping for joy. After a year-long deluge of transportation, asset monetization, and toll road press and

MTA: PR Snafu, Economic Linchpin

The MTA’s credibility has not been helped by its decision to delay planned service improvements; the news broke just three weeks after the agency announced

The Congestion Pricing Countdown

$354 million in immediate transit improvements and the long-term health of the New York regional transit system are at stake with one week left for