TSTC: Transit Essential to NJ, Hurricane Shows
In today’s Star-Ledger, TSTC NJ Advocate Janna Chernetz and General Counsel Vincent Pellecchia write that the disruption caused by Hurricane Irene highlighted the importance of
In today’s Star-Ledger, TSTC NJ Advocate Janna Chernetz and General Counsel Vincent Pellecchia write that the disruption caused by Hurricane Irene highlighted the importance of
New Yorkers will head to the polls tomorrow in a special election for a Congressional seat and several State Assembly seats. Here’s a look at
The coming privatization of Long Island Bus could be bad news for county bus riders. Although Nassau County will hand over the system to international
When New York City launches a bike-sharing system next year, it will revolutionize the way people get around in the city. If the experience of
The removal of Route 34, a 1.1-mile stub of a highway that displaced hundreds of Connecticut families, homes, and businesses when it was constructed in
For months, Nassau County has planned to privatize its Long Island Bus system, handing it over to international firm Veolia Transportation at the start of
This summer, the MTA/Metro-North put out its first ever Request for Proposals for transit-oriented development (TOD). Branded “It’s Happening in Harrison,” this project involves transforming
Long Island Bus riders, students, and various other groups are hosting a “People’s Hearing” on the privatization of Long Island Bus, since the county doesn’t
On Wednesday, Tri-State Transportation Campaign and AARP joined hundreds of residents, nationally known pedestrian safety expert Dan Burden, and elected officials to draw attention to
This morning, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy announced that he would appoint ConnDOT Acting Commissioner Jim Redeker to lead the agency. In a statement, Tri-State Transportation Campaign