
PBS to Feature Sheridan Expressway Teardown

The Southern Bronx River Watershed Alliance‘s (SBRWA) efforts to convince NYSDOT to replace the Sheridan Expressway in the South Bronx with open space and mixed-use development will be featured in Wednesday’s episode of the PBS series “Blueprint America,” in an episode titled “Road to the Future.”   According to PBS, “the documentary goes to three American cities – Denver, Portland, and New York – to see the road each took to their present-day landscapes” and how they “will continue to grow and develop in the future.”

After you watch the show, get involved by signing SBRWA’s petition in support of a Sheridan teardown here and show your support for a smarter and healthier city!

The episode will air on Wednesday, May 20th at 8pm EST, on PBS.

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[…] Naparstek bringing livable streets to the masses on Channel 13. The program will also feature a segment on the Sheridan Expressway. 8:00 […]

Steven Vance
15 years ago

I just watched this episode and the fight to remove Sheridan Expressway is interesting. I knew that there are a lot of highways in NYC (all at varying levels of quality and design), but I didn’t know that the area featured in the episode in this segment was surrounded on ALL sides by highways. That’s a shame.

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