
Come Learn What BRT Means For The Big Apple

Highlighting the potential of bus rapid transit to vastly improve commutes and to provide a briefing on the City and MTA’s plans to roll out bus rapid transit around the boroughs this year, the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, Pratt Center for Community Development, Straphangers’ Campaign, and Transportation Alternatives are hosting a half-day program on April 15 featuring New York’s top transportation officials and local and international experts. The event will be held at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Presenters and panelists will describe the basics of BRT, its benefit for underserved communities in transit deficient neighborhoods, its success in other world cities, and its implementation in the NYC streetscape.

Confirmed speakers include:

* Walter Hook, executive director of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, which works around the world to implement BRT;
* Oscar Edmundo Diaz, associate director of GSD+, a Colombian management consulting firm and a Senior Program Director at the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy;
* NYC DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan and MTA NYC Transit President Howard Roberts will give a joint presentation on their agencies’ work and future plans.

A response panel of local voices and experts will address the current transit deficiencies that can be reduced by BRT and the potential for BRT to improve mobility throughout the five boroughs.

Added bonus! The new NYC Transit buses for the Fordham Rd. BRT will be outside the event.

8:30 to 1:00 pm (breakfast served between 8:30 and 9:00 am)
New York Botanical Garden
200th Street and Kazimiroff Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10458-5126

To RSVP or for additional details, please contact Veronica Vanterpool at 212-268-7474.

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