On Monday, the Nassau County Legislature’s Rules Committee voted 4-3 to support a much-maligned bus contract between Nassau County and Veolia Transportation. The contract now will be the subject of a public hearing next Monday, December 5, at 1:00 pm at the Nassau County Legislature.
According to the public notice and comments by Presiding Officer Peter Schmitt, a vote on the contract by the full legislature could take place as soon as the hearing is closed, which would prohibit the County from making any improvements to the contract or answer any of the numerous questions that have been raised about the contract. And there’s no need to rush, as the MTA recently said it could operate service into next year.
A recently released report by TSTC, Long Island Federation of Labor and Long Island Jobs With Justice raised additional questions about the contract, among them:
- Why does Veolia have ultimate authority to decide service levels in Nassau, when in other contracts the local government or transit authority dictate service levels?
- How will riders be protected from quarterly fare increases and service cuts if revenues come in under projections?
- How will taxpayers be protected from increased subsidy demands?
- Why is Nassau County assuming joint responsibility for future 13 (c) labor obligations?
- Why are there no representatives from the bus riding public or labor on the Transit Advisory Committee?
All of these questions, and more, need to be answered and addressed if the Nassau County Legislature is going to best protect bus riders, workers, businesses and taxpayers. Luckily, elected officials have time. The MTA has recently indicated that it would be willing to continue to operate LI Bus service into next year as a ‘Plan B’ if Nassau County requests it to do so and paid for the service. This offer allows Nassau County Legislators to thoroughly vet the bus contract and to amend it to better protect their constituents. Let’s hope that they do so.
For heaven’s sake do some research before you come to a decision about using Veolia. We have been embroiled in a labor dispute in York Region, (a suburb of Toronto)for the past six weeks which has seen 60% of our bus service shut down. Local government is handcuffed because of their contract with Veolia and others, and Unions and contractors are not even talking. Transit drivers rejected wage offers 40% lower than surrounding municipalities and pleas for some minor benefits.
i work for them in york region an i think that will be the biggest mistake to give them the transit , they do not treat the employees fear also maintenance will be last thing which they consider , they will squeeze the last penny from you. check what they do in las vegas… http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/oct/24/battle-over-bus-contract-being-routed-through-cour/ or see the issues in phoenix http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2011/11/27/20111127phoenix-bus-drivers-union-strike.html worst company, i would not recommend privatization
I was at the meeting over the summer but will not be able to make it to this one. I strongly oppose the privatization of the LI Bus system, and fully support any and all action to continue the public system that we have. Nassau County has a good public transportation system with many benefits:
– affordable prices (we do want people who rely on these buses to still be able to get to work, and at a reasonable cost, right?)
– very helpful bus drivers
– very helpful phone staff
– free transfer to and from the subways (if you’re rich, maybe you don’t care about this, but many of us use this feature regularly; LIRR is just too expensive, and gets worse each year)
Also, why isn’t this public hearing being held in the evening, when more people can be there? Who decided on the date and time of this meeting??
hello my name is louie i think it is a disgrace for mangano to do what he is doing and should be impeached
long island people who work in the city are going to get killed by veola we pay the highest taxes in ny and know are going to pay the highest bus fare down with mangano
“How will taxpayers be protected from increased subsidy demands?”
They’re kidding right? They’re already shortchanging Veolia and they want to complain if Veolia asks for more money?
As a Nassau County taxpayer and commuter I’d like to thank TSTC for speaking up on our behalf. I became of your organization today for the first time when searching Newsday for information on the 12/5/11 ‘public’ hearing I couldn’t attend because it was scheduled for a time when I, and other commuters, were at work.
The transition thus far from MTA to Veolia has been abyssmal. The N-6 bus, a very busy line, takes Nassau County passengers from Hempstead to the Jamacia subway into Manhattan, and all points in between, and back again of course. I personally rely on the N-6 as my connection from my home to the subway to my Manhattan office, as do many of its riders. Of course other passengers rely on the N-6 for transportation to school, doctor’s appointments, day care, shopping, etc.
Since the transition began, service has nose-dived. Under the MTA, it wasn’t perfect but it was reliable, predictable, cost-effective, etc. Now commuters wait 30 minutes or more for busses that arrive late and full. Passengers are becoming desperate. Drivers now stop at the end of the line rather than the beginning as well, adding to the passenger chaos. It seems the poop has hit the fan and rolled down to where it is passenger vs. passenger.
Commuters need to be aware that the problem isn’t us, the problem is those who have created this situation for us, and do what we can to unite and send the poop flying back up where it came from.