
MTA Staten Island Express Bus Plan Is “The Update and Improvement Commuters Need”

Good news this week for Staten Island commuters: the MTA has completed its study on improving the borough’s express bus service — something Tri-State Transportation Campaign and the Straphangers Campaign called for 16 years ago — and released a plan to speed up bus trips by streamlining routes and consolidating bus stops. The Staten Island Advance reports:

Staten Island express buses will travel directly to and from Midtown or lower Manhattan, routes will be combined and underused stops will be eliminated as part of a drastic plan meant to improve the borough’s complex and outdated network.

Staten Islanders will have several months to comment on the proposed changes before any are implemented sometime next year.

The average end-to-end route running time would be cut by about 20 minutes under the concept outlined by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

The network redesign is comprised of 19 routes that will serve nearly all existing Staten Island express bus riders. Eleven routes will go to Midtown and eight will travel to downtown Manhattan, where riders can transfer to local buses or the subway.

The Bus Turnaround Coalition (of which TSTC is a member) responded with a statement this morning, calling the MTA’s plan “the update and improvement commuters need to get to work and home faster and more efficiently.”

See the MTA plan as well as a series of maps that summarize planned route changes.

Mobilizing the Region is published by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, a 501(c)(3) non-profit policy advocacy organization. If you’d like to support our work, please make a tax-deductible donation today.

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native new yorker
native new yorker
7 years ago

The MTA proposal is only a start. I see the need for streamlining some of the XBus routes but the details need to be worked out. For example the New Dorp x2, x2, x9 terminal should be retained as it serves the large populations of New Dorp and Oakwood. But we’ll have to see how the plan changes, it’s nowhere near finalized.


[…] MTA Staten Island Express Bus riders — Express Bus service between Staten Island and Manhattan will soon be faster and more reliable thanks to a “drastic” MTA plan which will streamline routes and consolidate stops. […]


[…] by New York City’s Bus Turnaround Coaliton (though that’s starting to change with the upcoming overhaul of Staten Island express […]

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