A weekly roundup of good deeds, missteps, heroic feats and epic failures in the tri-state region and beyond.

New York City Council – The Council passed two important bills yesterday: one instituting a commuter tax benefit and another setting the city’s default speed limit to 25 mph.
The Business Council of Fairfield County vice president of public policy and programs Joseph J. McGee – McGee pulled together five mayors from Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY to discuss how improving their transportation systems is vital to their cities’ growth.
Hoboken, NJ Mayor Dawn Zimmer – The mayor’s big thinking includes Complete Streets redesigns of Washington Street and Sinatra Drive and a joint-city bike share program with Weehawken.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo – While celebrating the arrival of one of the world’s largest cranes at the $4 billion Tappan Zee Bridge site and dodging more questions about how the project is to be funded, Cuomo called the MTA’s proposed 2015-2019 Capital Program “bloated.”
Glen Oaks Village, NY president Ben Friedrich – In an op-ed piece, Friedrich asserts that speeding is not a leading cause of traffic fatalities in NYC — despite all evidence to the contrary — and sympathizes with the “unfortunate motorists” caught driving 10 mph over the limit.
Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson – Despite a motorist being charged with two traffic offenses in the case of an elderly pedestrian who was fatally struck while crossing with the right of way, the Brooklyn DA did not upgrade the charges to include criminal negligence.
New Jersey State Senate President Stephen Sweeney – Rather than take a stand and call for an increase to the state’s gas tax, the Senator sidestepped instead and called for a doubling of state aid for transportation projects and left it to Governor Christie to recommend a plan for how to do that.
It is very obvious that Glen Oaks Village, NY president Ben Friedrich has not done much walking (besides to his car) along any major streets in New York City lately. And I AM a resident of Queens who also drives.