
Rally for Safer Streets in New York City

TA-rallyThis Wednesday, join our colleagues Transportation Alternatives to demand safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists. The Rally to Demand Our Right of Way takes place on the steps of New York City Hall at 8:30 a.m. The rally is especially timely given the recent spate of fatal crashes in New York City, including the death of Renee Thompson, who was struck and killed by a turning tractor-trailer while crossing Third Avenue in the Upper East Side.

From Transportation Alternatives:

On the evening of July 31st, 16 year-old Renee Thompson was hit and killed by a tractor-trailer while crossing the street on her way home from work. Within the week of Renee’s death, seven New Yorkers were killed walking on New York City streets.

All of these crashes were preventable. No New Yorker should ever have to risk life and limb while simply trying to cross a street.

Join Transportation Alternatives and hundreds of New Yorkers Wednesday morning on the steps of City Hall to demand safer streets and accountability for dangerous driving! It’s OUR right of way!

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