
At Oriskany Bus Plant, Transit Funding Cuts Cost New Yorkers Jobs

At 10 A.M. on April 25, 2012, workers at the Orion Bus plant in Oriskany, New York were told that the plant was to take no new orders for buses. According to Tim Banas of the United Auto Workers Union, 538 workers would lose their jobs over the next two years, during which time the plant would finish existing contracts and then only stay open for parts and service. With local demand for new buses lagging, the plant would finally have to close after years of sinking profits and, most recently, a production schedule that kept workers home without pay every other week. Owned by German auto manufacturing giant Daimler AG, the Oriskany plant’s troubles had made the company’s New York operations too costly, and Daimler bus chief Hartmut Schick released a statement saying that “Orion is facing a situation where the cost position is not competitive, the local market is in a continued slump, and growth opportunities are not available from selling the product overseas.”

So what caused the plant’s demise?

It’s not for lack of orders from the MTA which intends to spend $1.5 billion on new buses in its recently adopted capital program.  In fact, the MTA touted Orion Bus in its “Built in New York” report last year as a “state-of-the-art facility” that manufactured and serviced buses for transit systems across New York State.  The report noted that “stable orders from the MTA [Capital Program] have allowed Orion to use its New York State investment to build buses for transit properties around North America, including those in the Niagara Frontier, the Capital District, San Francisco, and Toronto.”

Rather, the decreased demand has come, in part from, transit systems in upstate New York who, as a result of Albany’s scaling back on transit operations funding, have begun utilizing reserve and capital dollars for operating costs just to keep bus systems movingThese dollars are meant to purchase and service the buses.

As noted in “Stuck at Home“, a joint report released last month by Tri-State and AARP, New York State is responsible for closing the gap in operating costs for bus systems whose farebox revenues only cover about a third of what is needed. For instance, Syracuse’s CNY-CENTRO bus system (a close neighbor to Oriskany) relies on the state for 47% of its operating budget. When Albany diverts transit operating funds from its intended purpose (like the $260 million diverted since 2009) the result is an inability of New York’s transit systems, particularly upstate, to invest capital dollars in manufacturing.

The recent diversion of transit operations funding has been particularly bad for the local economy in Oriskany — even the company that produced decals and designs for the buses has been devastated by the loss of a third of its business.


Transit ‘lockbox’ legislation, which would help protect dedicated funding to the MTA and the 130 transit systems across the state from diversions, is currently pending in Albany but it remains unclear if the legislation will be taken up before the session deadline of June 21st.

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Clark Morris
Clark Morris
12 years ago

So why is the farebox covering only 1 third of the costs? Isn’t that an issue that needs far more attention than it gets.

Transit Guy
Transit Guy
12 years ago

TSTC misses several important points in this story. First the low fares and low farebox recovery ratio in upstate NY which means once again that downstate is overly subsidizing upstate transit systems. Second, you ignored the question of why Orion buses were not competitive with other transit bus assemblers in North America and third, it’s ironic that you blame transit system’s use of capital funds for operating expenses as a cause of the bus order deficit while other shortsighted transit advocacy groups around the country are advocating for Congress to change the rules and allow even more use of federal capital assistance for operating costs. This is a slippery slope that most transit systems cannot climb out from once they slide in too far.


[…] construction and are spread throughout the state.” With upstate transit component suppliers shutting down due to inadequate investment in public transportation, adding BRT to the project would not only […]

UpState Guy
UpState Guy
11 years ago

The main reason Orion Buses were not competive with other assemblers. …is as simple as comparing a Bentley to a Impala. Orions were a custom built coach,as the other assemblers were making a standard coach with very few options. the Orions options were unlimited. the customer could have anything made to its own personal choices.its hard to compete in a bidding contract when your product cost a lot more to make.

Doc Grind
Doc Grind
11 years ago

Having worked at Orion from 2001 – 2007, it was apparent that Daimler was not seriously interested in making Orion a profitable company. Conflicts between engineering and production made things worse and Daimler was in a position to close the plant for some time. The unlimited options is a big reason, as everything comes with a cost including custom made mass transit vehicles. It was a great place to work and a lot of great people tried their best to make it a success

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