
Dispatch from Albany: Speed Camera Legislation Advances

Last week, Senator Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island) introduced a slightly modified version (S7481) of the speed camera legislation (A7737) sponsored by Assemblywoman Deborah Glick (D-Manhattan). In response, Assemblywoman Glick has amended the language in her bill to match the Senate version, which means that the crucial, life-saving legislation could pass during this legislative session.

The bill authorizes New York City to establish a five-year speed camera demonstration program, which will allow between 20 and 40 of the devices. Lanza’s version added additional criteria about where the cameras will be placed, along with more specific information on how NYCDOT will determine camera locations (this would be based on crash history, roadway geometry, and demonstrated need). Some of the cameras will be mobile—placed on vans that move around the city—and the bill caps the number of mobile cameras at 20. The legislation penalizes drivers that exceed the speed limit by 10 mph or more, but NYCDOT could issue warnings for speeders that fall short of that threshold, as is done in Chicago.

The introduction of this bill by a member of the Senate majority offers renewed hope that Albany will stand up for the safety of New York City residents and indicates that Albany is ready to take action. With the legislative session scheduled to end June 21st, plenty of time remains to pass the bill.

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[…] not pass the New York State Legislature this year, it gained a crucial ally in Senator Lanza, who sponsored such a bill in the […]

robert curreri
robert curreri
12 years ago

Please pass the speed camera legislation! The most dangerous part of my day, everyday, is trying not to get hit by speeding traffic. Please, if you need any help, please contact me.


[…] legislative session, Assembly Member Deborah Glick’s speed camera authorization legislation picked up an upper chamber sponsor in Senator Andrew Lanza, but did not pass. Next session, it […]


[…] up in New York City and nationwide, a proposed speed camera demonstration program for NYC also gained some traction in […]


[…] and it’s one that will help save lives. The State can authorize New York City to begin a speed camera demonstration program which would help to slow drivers down, especially in school zones. January […]


[…] — and it’s one that will help save lives. The State can authorize New York City to begin a speed camera demonstration program which would help to slow drivers down, especially in school zones. This […]


[…] that has more to do with safety and saving lives than simply raising fines, is the proposed speed camera demonstration program for New York City, which unfortunately did not appear in the […]

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