
Save the Date: April 11 Sustainable Streets Forum in Bridgeport

Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch will be a featured speaker at the event | Photo: Autumn Driscoll, Connecticut Post

Tri-State, in partnership with the One Region Funders’ Group, the Fairfield County Community Foundation, and the City of Bridgeport, will be holding a sustainable streets forum in Bridgeport, Connecticut on April 11.

Sustainable Streets: Promoting Safety, Promoting Growth will feature Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch and ConnDOT Commissioner James Redeker. Mayor Finch, a leader in sustainable transportation and development, will provide an overview of Bridgeport’s work to create a more walkable, bikeable, and livable city, and Commissioner Redeker will describe his efforts to make ConnDOT more bike and pedestrian friendly.

Jon Orcutt, Policy Director for the New York City Department of Transportation, will keynote the event. He will provide insight into how sustainable transportation infrastructure can be implemented in different land use settings and how these improvements can spark economic development.

The event will take place in Beacon Hall at Housatonic Community College, 900 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, Connecticut. Registration will begin at 8:30am, and the event will take place from 9:00am-noon. Light breakfast will be provided.

Directions are available here, and the venue is within walking distance of Bridgeport’s Metro-North train station.

To register for the forum, send an email to Space is limited.

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Robert Halstead
Robert Halstead
13 years ago

I hope this event has something of substance to report. That

I would suggest bike racks for downtown, or some kind of commitment to provide funding for architectural bid specifications to complete the Trumbull to Bridgeport Train Station bike path. It would be nice to see some commitment for bicycle friendly commitments to connect Black Rock to the new train station by bike path. A connection from the West Side to the new train station would be appreciated as to get there on Dewey Street and State Street Extension is like driving through a battle field.

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