
Local Officials Demand Transit on Tappan Zee in New Film

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The Tri-State Transportation Campaign and Streetfilms have released a short documentary that chronicles the Lower Hudson region’s demand for transit in the I-287 corridor. This comes just two weeks before public hearings on a state plan to build a Tappan Zee replacement without a transit component.

The film reiterates what Lower Hudson Valley residents have been saying for over a decade: any new Tappan Zee Bridge must include transit.

The region’s call has only become stronger since the state moved to fast-track the project in October 2011. Several communities, including Hastings-on-Hudson, Croton-on-Hudson, and the 14 Westchester municipalities that are members of the North Westchester Energy Action Consortium have now passed resolutions asking the state to put transit back into its plans.

In the film, several leaders from the Lower Hudson Valley speak out in favor of transit on the bridge, including Assemblymember Thomas Abinanti, Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino, Rockland County Transportation and Planning Commissioner Thomas B. Vanderbeek, P.E., Tarrytown Mayor Drew Fixell, former Nyack Mayor Richard Kavesh.

Tri-State reminds New Yorkers that the public conversation is not over yet. Meetings on the project’s draft environmental impact statement are set to take place on February 28 and March 1.

For information about the Tappan Zee replacement project and details on the meetings, visit


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13 years ago

we can argue til doomsday about the tzb, but shanghai built the tzt in 22 months for 800 m. with 6 lanes and 4 subway tracks. 70 million people crossed the yangtze last year using the tzt. lets get going, scrap the unbuildable bridge to no where, build the tunnel, clean the air, move the traffic,move the freight,restore the villages, save 4 b, and stop these rediculous meetings

13 years ago

and then keep going all the way to long island, easing the gwb, throgs neck and cross bronx and lie. saving a zillion hours of travel time and thousands of lives lost to air pollution.

Douglas Willinger
13 years ago

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More or less.

Build the TUNNEL to Long Island connecting I-287 with 135 INCLUDING Railways- the grades favor this. Build the basic Cross Sound Tunnel triple tube up-scaled with 4x Railway with 6-10x motorway (3 atop 2) separating smaller vehicles from large trucks.

Build the new TPZ spans each with the LOWER DECK for accommodating this 4x Railway facilitating passenger and freight rail cars.

a saunders
a saunders
12 years ago

brt is not transit, its a two phone call deal. real transit goes 150 mph, shares rail with heavy freight and truck on train. real transit realizes theneed for parking, we do not all live at the station. begging for brt on the btnw is pathetic, lets demand real rail, all weather availability, air scrubbing, and all the features of a tunnel not possible on a footless bridge to nowhere connected to nothing.


[…] New York State Assemblymember Thomas Abinanti (D-Greenburgh) […]

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