Three years ago, Tri-State organized a walking tour to address safety hazards to pedestrians and cyclists in downtown Little Falls, NJ. The July 2008 tour, which was joined by ABC of Little Falls and other community members, was made possible with funding from an anonymous donor through the Community Foundation of New Jersey. Thanks to the generosity of that same donor, Little Falls has been able to actually implement safety improvements at two intersections, which TSTC visited this summer.
After the 2008 walk, Tri-State authored a recommendations report that was shared with local leaders and focused on crosswalk visibility, sidewalk continuity and integrity, traffic calming, and access to transit. Downtown Little Falls hosts a train station, on NJ Transit’s Montclair-Boonton Line, as well as bus lines. (The Montclair State University rail station is also in Little Falls, but is further from the downtown area which was the focus of the walk.)
So far, Little Falls has added high-visibility crosswalks to the intersections of Main Street and Paterson Avenue, and Main Street and Stevens Avenue, consistent with the recommendations of the TSTC report. That report also identified several state and federal sources which township officials could apply to in order to fund additional projects.
Photo: Tri-State Transportation Campaign.