
Commissioner McDonald’s First Test for Safe Streets on Long Island

Fast traffic has made Main Street, in Smithtown, dangerous for pedestrians.

The Complete Streets law to make roads safer for all has yet to be signed by Governor Cuomo. But NYSDOT Commissioner Joan McDonald has a unique opportunity to put her stamp on a high-profile safety project in downtown Smithtown, at an intersection that has been the site of numerous pedestrian deaths and injuries.

The safety issue at Main Street (Route 25/25A), a hot-button issue for years, recently caught the attention of Senator Chuck Schumer. His interest, as well as continued advocacy from Smithtown Chamber of Commerce, the family of Courtney Sipes (who was killed while walking along the roadway), and county elected officials has facilitated a renewed focus from NYSDOT on addressing the dangerous pedestrian environment. Local leaders support reducing the number of lanes from four to two, even if it means slowing travel speeds, but the road is controlled by the state.

In May, Suffolk County Legislator John Kennedy hosted a meeting about the roadway. The follow-up meeting was recently postponed by NYSDOT because, according to one insider, the dangerous conditions have gained attention of the highest levels at NYSDOT.

If this is true, it’s a moment for Commissioner McDonald to shine. Working with her staff, she should listen to the requests of community leaders and develop a plan that prioritizes pedestrian safety over car speeds and makes the road more attractive for business.

Photo: Mike Xirinachs / WCBS 880.

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13 years ago

STOP with the band-aid fixes that last forever. Keep Main Street (route 25) four lanes and fix the Smithtown Bypass (route 347) properly so it serves its intended purpose. A
two-lane street only inconveniences the residents of the town.
Look what the DOT dopes did to route 25 west of the bull.


[…] New State DOT Commish Can Prove Her Commitment to Safety on Smithtown’s Main Street (MTR) […]

Smithtown Man
Smithtown Man
13 years ago

Narrow this street and make it more pedestrian friendly. My grandmother and her friends alway complain about how fast people drive down this road. Narrowing it will make it better for walkers and the old.


[…] resources to deal with pedestrian safety on Long Island, which has gained increasing attention in recent months.  According to the TIP, the State DOT will continue its Local Safe Streets and Traffic Calming […]

R Troy
R Troy
13 years ago

Narrowing 25 in Smithtown is insane, and will lead to even worse problems. Drivers with a massive traffic backup will become even more aggressive. As someone else suggested, do a real fix on the Smithtown Bypass. Convert every intersection to cloverleaf or the like. And get the LIRR (aka the Snail Road, Fail Road, Hell Road) to improve service on the Port Jeff line, with eventual double tracking and electrification, and move a lot more freight by rail. All these would take lots of pressure of roads like 25 in Smithtown and make things far safer.

13 years ago

I miss Courtney we went to school together a shame to have a beautiful young girl die


[…] pointed to a lack of bicycle infrastructure, as well as roads like Hempstead Turnpike and Route 25/25A, which were designed to speed cars through neighborhoods without accommodating the needs of […]

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