
Keep Chris Ward at the Port Authority


[Update 6/6: A spokesperson for Gov. Cuomo tells Crain’s Insider, in its Friday edition, that “There are no plans to replace Chris Ward at this time.”]

An anonymously sourced story in Friday’s New York Post said that Port Authority executive director Chris Ward will be asked to step down after the 9/11 memorial is dedicated on the tenth anniversary of the attacks this fall.

Governor Cuomo should keep Chris Ward in his post.  Ward is an innovative leader who has started new green freight programs and projects, implemented a bicycle policy, and spoken in favor of increased infrastructure investment.  Streetsblog has a nice summary of his many accomplishments. Ward has also ably managed the World Trade Center’s rebuilding process and has cut costs at the agency.

Governor Christie has requested using more than $1.5 billion in Port Authority funds previously designated for the ARC tunnel for road projects in the port district. Insiders wonder whether Governor Cuomo will make a similar request to help plug budget deficits at the MTA and NYS Department of Transportation.

When reached for comment by the Post, Ward said that “My record speaks for itself, and I am not going to speculate on the political aspects of the job.”

Photo: Via Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

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Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
13 years ago

Consider the following scenario: In the past several years the PA has invested huge sums in an impractical and inferior WTC plan, and has now run out of money. There is no more federal money, the billions of federal dollars have already been squandered. At about the end of this year the PA will say its too late to turn back and the NY/NJ public must write an open check and start investing billions in the site.

It would probably be a political mistake to get rid of Ward prior to the site being acknowledged a fiasco, if it comes to that. The established supporters of the project will say “if Cuomo had only kept Ward”, and hold Cuomo responsible for any failures.

The quality of the plan will show with time. It would be safer for Cuomo if he maintains the status quo.

Herb Ouida
Herb Ouida
13 years ago

Chris Ward is a professional. His position should not be part of the political spoils. Governor Cuomo has come in like a breath of fresh air and should decide on the position on the basis of accomplishments and capability. Chris Ward has an outstanding record and should be kept as Executive Director. The Port Authority is too important to the region to be subject to each election cycle.

Gerry Manning
Gerry Manning
13 years ago

Chris Ward is responsible for one of the city’s biggest boondoggles over the last 25 years – the decision to construct a water filtration plant under a Bronx park. This has cost taxpayers more than $3 billion and counting. To get it passed he lied to everyone involved about costs, jobs, and the environment and he cut a despicable backroom deal with Bronx politicians so they would pass an historic alienation bill that destoyed parkland. To this day the people in the Bronx are still grappling with this unnecessary and unwanted monstosity and it’s all because Chris Ward was and is a tool for the contractors. Also, he made a mockery of the city’s conflict-of-interest laws when he waited a year and then took a job to head the GCA. Bad bad crooked man. Shouldn’t have been apointed to the PANY/NJ in the first place. Cuomo should send him packing immediately.

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

Now the PA wants to raise tolls greatly to pay for WTC site. Yes Gerry, the WTC plan makes as much sense as the a water filtration plant under a Bronx park. I’m looking forward to the NY Times editorial.

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

The NY Times just ran their baloney editorial. They are part of the problem, not the solution. On August 9 they also ran an article “Returning Ground Zero to New Yorkers” which is all about how straight forward Chris Ward is and how he has down to earth common sense. Its baloney of course. The article forgets to mention the toll hikes and that this expensive plan will be a failure when its finished (which is the worst part). The article should have been named “Ransoming Ground Zero to New Yorkers”. Thats not quite right actually. It looks like they’re going to make mostly NJ commuters pay for it.

the truth shall set you free
the truth shall set you free
12 years ago


Why don’t you tell everyone the truth:::: the evening that you were brought into our precinct and you had to pull strings and call in favors so they wouldn’t book you on drunk driving? We all know where you came from and your checkered past. Why don’t you just tell everyone the truth? In my opinion you should be honest with the public….. you should be out and definitely out of politics

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

Well Kate, its been 4 months since you wrote the article. Did you hear about the toll increases? Are you still so enthusiastic about Ward?

Gaspar Paya
Gaspar Paya
12 years ago

If Mr. Ward was rescued from WTC 5 on 9/11, maybe he knows the whereabouts of someone who also was there for many hours that terrible day, Mr. Barry Jennings (Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority). It would be great to hear what he knows about it.

Gaspar Paya

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

It’s just rats leaving a sinking ship but some corrupt NY media is slanting the blame for Ward leaving on Cuomo. Some city and situation. The consequences of the plan are arriving. The governors would be doing the public a favor by giving the site to a responsible entity.

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

Ward wanted to be fired but it didn’t happen. Don’t believe his “dream job” baloney. He is quitting because the site is headed towards a train wreck. The toll increases may have backfired. All they can do is put the blame on someone else. It used to be the victim’s families, the critics, now its the governor. Cuomo inherited this mess. He couldn’t change it because because so much established corruption supports it, including the NY Times. Now is a good time to let it die by cutting off government funding.

Bernie Goetz
Bernie Goetz
12 years ago

Cuomo should ask Ward to stay on for several months until he has selected a replacement. But I think Ward would likely refuse because he wants out asap, before the **** hits the fan.

12 years ago

How much money has Chris Ward directed to TSTC and Kate Slevin during his tenure?

Chris Ward is a jackass. He has bankrupted the Port Authority and violated the public trust. His mendacity knows no bounds.

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