
Gridlock Alert: NJ’s Xanadu Mega-Mall to Get More Mega?

NJBIZ reports that the troubled Xanadu mega-mall planned for the Meadowlands may be getting even bigger, quoting a “key insider.” “Plans are to have as much parking as possible on the east side of Route 120,” according to the article. New developer Triple Five reportedly believes that at 2.2 million square feet, Xanadu “is small” — at least compared to the 4.2 million-square-foot Mall of America, which Triple Five owns.

The traffic impact certainly won’t be small. And if the complex does get even bigger, Xanadu’s lack of a comprehensive transportation plan — long called for by Tri-State and environmental organizations — will come back to haunt North Jersey.

Xanadu, which is now two years behind schedule and on its third owner, is in the mix for state economic development funding and tax credits. This goes against the state’s general approach of investing in established cities and transit hubs.

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m broad
m broad
14 years ago

this parking lot availability claim is unadulterated bs. most of the land east of route 120 is wetlands and will take years to try and change it if it is at all possible.

these idle comments are thoughtless. why not post how many acres are available and not wet? to tough to figure?

m broad
m broad
14 years ago

typo; ‘too tough’ ‘not to tough’

Clark Morris
Clark Morris
14 years ago

I would be very happy for Xanadu to get no state help and further be required to provide for bus, NJT Rail access AND HBLRT access. Why should the state subsidize retail that is location dependent?

14 years ago

I wish Westfield thought like this when they made that last extension to the Garden State Plaza. =.= There would be less Saturday headaches if the less than 10,800 spaces went up to at least, 20,000. If AMC wanted to be a part of the mall so badly, they would need to be moved to the roof. GSP needs another parking garage stacked up and the AMC theater location was the perfect location for it. It’s unfortunate that Westfield is working in a limited area since they just keep building on top of each other.

*envies Mall of America’s huge parking garages* Triple Five, at least, knows their parking capacities. If they are to make Xanadu “bigger”, maybe, they can change the exterior of the entire building while they’re at it?

14 years ago

And I think the wetlands should not be touched no matter what!! Triple Five should just make parking garage extensions on already built land. The wetlands need to be preserved.

William Jewell
14 years ago

Mall of America Minnesota is looking to add a stadium to keep up with Xanadu, a long shot but it could happen, see bludog(dot)com for plans.

13 years ago

There’s been a lot of far-fetched speculation about this project, beginning around 2003 when Mills Corp. Chairman and CEO Laurence Siegel called it their “crown jewel, the bellwether by which all other developments will be measured.” He may be right, just not quite in the sense which he would like to be. I’ve written several blog posts about it, the most recent here…

13 years ago

ConsiderIng that this gargantuan eyesore has yet to open and has done nothing more than waste ink and paper on behalf of the star ledger, maybe it’s time the people of north jersey think about more important things plaguing our wonderful state. such as enhancing our decaying education system (which needs much more state funding than this piece of shit) focusing on our econmically struggling cities, rebuilding main st America and small town economies, and helping in humanitarian regards in our communities. These are prolific problems in our state that get little attention compared to the press some good for nothing mega conglomerate such as this receives. Wake up new jersey, Demolish this horrendously decorated consumer death camp and focus on the real issues. Hold your Sarah palin-esque comebacks by the way, people over profits.


[…] than 55 million visitors a year — or 150,000 a day. A comprehensive transportation plan has been long called for by Tri-State and other environmental groups and, given this new blueprint, the need for enhanced […]

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