GOOD magazine and Transportation Alternatives want to hear from bus riders who love their trip — perhaps because of a courteous bus driver, a fascinating mix of riders, a great view, or clock-like reliability. Their task: to find the best bus route in America.
Entering the contest is pretty simple — just take a camera phone shot which exemplifies why you love your bus route, and send it with a caption no more than 140 characters long to busroutes@goodinc.com, or to @GOOD via Twitter using the hashtag #busroutes.
Submissions will be judged by:
- U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer, a leading advocate for livable streets;
- Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, and president of the board of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy;
- Laura Barrett, Executive Director, Transportation Equity Network;
- Maria Teresa Kumar, Executive Director, Voto Latino;
- Carla Saulter, Seattle’s Bus Chick blogger;
- Bryan Goebel, Editor-and-Chief, Streetsblog San Francisco;
- Craig Nelson, Managing Editor, Not For Tourists guidebooks editor;
- Robert Sullivan, author of Rats and New York magazine’s “Subway on the Street”; and
- Paul Steely White, executive director, Transportation Alternatives
Prizes include a free monthly transit pass, subscriptions to GOOD or Transportation Alternatives’ Reclaim magazines, a Not for Tourists guidebook, and more. The contest deadline has been extended to midnight tonight, according to Transportation Alternatives.
Photo: Flickr/shandopics via GOOD.