
NJ Turnpike’s Air Quality Plan: Turn Carpool Lanes Into Regular Ones, Build Parking

Yesterday MTR obtained a copy of a letter sent to NJDOT Commissioner Jim Simpson from the NJ Turnpike Authority earlier this month, requesting that the current HOV lanes on the NJ Turnpike between exits 11 and 14 be converted to general purpose lanes. Signed by outgoing Authority Director Diane Scaccetti, the letter sites a change in federal air pollutant criteria, driver confusion, and a bottleneck in the heavily trafficked segment as grounds for removing the carpool restrictions, and suggests that the Authority can maintain its “commitment to reduce traffic congestion … and do its part to improve the environment” by building a 400-space park-and-ride lot at Exit 11 in Woodbridge.

The HOV lanes were established in 1996, after the Turnpike Authority widened the highway, as part of a “mitigation agreement” to reduce impacts on air quality. They are in effect only during peak hours and can be used by vehicles with at least three occupants. They provide carpooling commuters a less congested roadway, incentivizing an inexpensive and sustainable form of transportation for those traveling to areas poorly served by transit.  Similarly, buses use the lanes to ensure they reach their destinations on time.

What private or public transit services would stop at the park-and-ride are not explained in the letter. But it would not make up for the loss of the HOV lanes, which would likely hurt transit ridership by giving riders longer, less predictable commutes. A state transportation official suggested to MTR that a new lot might even increase driving by drawing transit customers out of nearby NJ Transit rail stations, such as Metropark, Woodbridge, and Edison.

Scaccetti’s assertion that the air quality problem that prompted the HOV designation “is no longer an issue” simply because federal guidelines have changed says it all when it comes to NJTA’s “commitment” to the environment. This is the same authority that is currently widening the Turnpike between exits 6-9, the Parkway between exits 63-80, and has long-term plans to further widen both roads.

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Jeff Tramiel
Jeff Tramiel
14 years ago

Trouble is, Christie will not release the money needed for the lot…something that he promised not to raise would have to be raised, howbeit only slightly, to justify the funding.

Andy B from Jersey
Andy B from Jersey
14 years ago

Have you ever driven on the Turnpike during rush hour?!?!

There has never been any noticeable enforcement of the Carpool Lanes anytime I’ve had to drive the stretch between Exits 11 and 14. When traffic would backup, drivers of single occupancy vehicles would simply use the carpool lane with impunity and cause that to backup as well.

This is simple populist bull, that goes against many decades of proven high-demand highway management done all over the rest country and the globe. I don’t understand why New Jersey is one of few states that can’t seem to rap its collectively feeble minds around the concept of carpool lanes.

Arthur F
Arthur F
14 years ago

Do you have any more information on this new park and ride at exit 11? This is news to commuters in our area and is quite a surprise to commuters that are seeing cutbacks and toll & fare increases rather then service improvements. Can you share the letter with your commuters?

Ed M
Ed M
14 years ago

Andy B. Yes I’ve seen enforcement of the HOV lane.

This is an ill conceived concept, wrong in every respect. Glad to see Diane Scaccetti leaving if this is a sample of her judgement. More buses now idling in traffic will add to pollution. A 400 space garage is way too small to make up for this and what about all the cars driving to it adding to the pollution? Why just exit 11 and not each exit along the way? Because she and her advisors have tunnel vision and cannot see the larger picture. We need parking lots scattered throughout the State where commuters can get on buses or trains. As an alternate, jitney’s to take us to the stations. We need to find a way to leave the cars at home.

A Shah
A Shah
14 years ago

Do you have any idea what this means? Every morning commuting on the bus to NYC is a challange. Any time any where there could be a backlog; and we could be sitting on the bus for hours.
On the contarary, you also need a bus lane going towards Holland tunnel. Car pool lane can make the long commute a little more pallatable.
New Jersey should make more effort to link better with New york and to the Jersians working in New York.

14 years ago

(To the author) The roads need to be widened. The traffic is unacceptable. Get your head out of your behind.

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13 years ago

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