
Now Hiring: Join the Sheridan Expressway Teardown Team!

Note: Hanging out on the little-used Sheridan Expressway is only a small part of the job.

Want to join the movement to replace the Sheridan Expressway in the Bronx with mixed-use development, affordable housing, and park space?  The Southern Bronx River Watershed Alliance — the coalition of Bronx and citywide groups (including TSTC) advocating for the road’s removal — is hiring a new coordinator. Now is a particularly exciting time to join the team, as NYSDOT’s study of the Sheridan Expressway is making steady progress. Removal of the highway is one of three alternatives the agency is studying (including a mandatory “no-build”/do-nothing alternative).

The primary responsibilities of the Alliance coordinator are community organizing and outreach, monitoring the progress of NYSDOT’s Sheridan study, and managing the Alliance’s day-to-day operations.

This is a Bronx-based position. Interviews will begin after July 4. Read the full job description and learn how to apply on Idealist.

Photo: Via SBRWA. Read more about this photo in MTR.

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