In light of growing concerns for New Jersey’s environmental health, Tri-State Transportation Campaign is celebrating the creation of the NJ League of Conservation Voters.
Organized around the belief that participation in the political process is essential to protecting New Jersey’s environment and health, the group sprung from a collaboration of well established state environmental organizations such as the Association of NJ Environmental Commissions, NJ Conservation Foundation, NJ Environmental Justice Alliance, NJ chapter of the American Littoral Society, Trust for Public Land, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, New Jersey Audubon Society, and the New Jersey Highlands Coalition among others.
The newest state chapter of the national League of Conservation Voters, the new group seeks to make environmental protection a top priority with elected officials, decision-makers and the voters. Like its counterparts elsewhere, the NJLCV will make endorsements based on candidates’ environmental records and publish “scorecards” and “report cards” that evaluate elected and agency officials’ performance. Tri-State has worked with other chapters of the League of Conservation Voters in campaigns across the region, and looks forward to extending that partnership in the Garden State.