
NYS Capital Program Review Board Gets an Online Home

In early September, MTR introduced readers to New York State’s MTA Capital Program Review Board, a six-member committee with veto power over the MTA’s capital program. At the time there was virtually no public information about the board, which represents the governor, both houses of the State Legislature, and NYC’s mayor. The board has been part of the capital plan approval process since the MTA’s first five-year capital program was proposed in 1981.

A few weeks after the MTR article was published, however, the State Senate launched a website for the Review Board, which now includes links to the MTA’s 2010-14 capital plan, a form to submit comments on the plan, and video of the board’s one hearing. Belated credit is due to State Sen. Craig Johnson, the Senate’s representative on the board, who was the impetus behind the site according to his office. His efforts have added some transparency to what has historically been a secretive process.

The board has not yet made a decision on the 2010-14 capital program, which covers funding for projects beginning on January 1 of next year.

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