While MTA transit riders are facing draconian reductions in service once again, LI Bus riders are having a particularly rough year. They have faced service cuts and/or fare hikes not once, not twice, but now an unprecedented three times.

In response, advocates from Tri-State, Vision Long Island, and NYPIRG dropped flyers this past week at the Mineola Intermodal Center and the Hempstead Terminal to encourage bus riders to contact Nassau County Executive-Elect Ed Mangano, State Senator Craig Johnson, and Governor Paterson and urge the County and State to come to their aid.
Mobilizing the Region readers surely know that LI Bus’s funding problems are deeper and more systematic those of the rest of the MTA system.
But where there is crisis, there is also opportunity. If the new County Executive wants to differentiate himself from the previous administration — which failed to even index the County’s contribution to LI Bus to inflation — he should revisit County Executive Suozzi’s 2010 budget and restore the $1.4 million cut to the bus system. Mangano should also begin reaching out to the MTA and key State leaders to ensure that a sustainable and mutually agreed upon funding solution is created for LI Bus.
In the meantime, we encourage Nassau County residents to take a minute to email County Executive-Elect Mangano, their state representatives, and Gov. Paterson and urge them to help LI Bus riders avert this third threat of service cuts and fare hikes.
Photo: Ryan Lynch/TSTC.
I sent an e-mail to the Governor and my representatives in the state legislature asking them to help restore funding to Long Island Bus.
I received a very encouraging message from Aseemblyman Chuck Levine, which I’ve posted below.
Thank you for all you are doing to maintain bus service in Nassau County!!
From Assemblyman Levine:
Every day, MTA buses service 100,000 riders in Nassau County, who make a major contribution to our economy. You have my assurance that I will continue to fight for safe and good service at a reasonable price. Please keep me advised of your thoughts and concerns.
C. Lavine