Have experience in transportation advocacy or organizing, and looking to move outside the region? A couple of groups that Tri-State works with are hiring:
National Association of City Transportation Officials, Executive Director: NACTO represents city transportation officials across the country, who collectively have innovated much of the progressive transportation policy in America when it comes to supporting transit, cycling, and walking. The Washington, D.C.-based group seeks an executive director to lead its effort to reform federal transportation policy in a way that benefits cities.
Transportation For America, Multiple Positions: The national group (also based in Washington, D.C.) leading much of the advocacy around the next national transportation bill is hiring for multiple positions around the country. Positions being sought include Policy Director, who will help translate the organization’s policy platform into legislative and research materials, a Senior Organizer to mobilize support for transportation reform from business leaders, and field organizers in Michigan and Illinois.
Image: Via NACTO.