The federal Centers for Disease Control and Department of Health and Human Services recently announced a landmark initiative that communities can use to connect public health with active transportation. Communities Putting Prevention to Work will provide $650 million in stimulus funds to support interventions that reduce obesity (or tobacco use) across the country. The cornerstone of the initiative is a competitive grant program, totaling $373 million, that will be awarded to thirty to forty communities throughout the country.
For municipalities interested in using these grants for bike and pedestrian programs, the America Bikes Coalition and Safe Routes to School National Partnership have created a detailed menu of possible campaigns, programs and initiatives. The program is an opportunity for bicycle and pedestrian advocates and local and state health departments to work together to secure significant funding to increase walking and bicycling for transportation and recreation.
Municipalites must submit a letter of intent by October 30 and a full application by December 1. Information on how to apply is here.
This is great news! We need more of these programs to create infrastructure for bicycles and pedestrians instead of more roads!