
Governor Rell’s Supplemental Budget Hits Transit Users Hard

The Connecticut legislative session is set to close on Wednesday, but the state hasn’t passed a budget yet. The latest twist in budget negotiations came last week, when Governor Rell issued a supplemental budget that hits transit riders hard.  This is disheartening after her initial effort increased the operating budget for both rail and bus transit in FY10 and FY11.

Unfortunately, the Governor’s updated version balances Connecticut’s budget deficit on the backs of transit riders, proposing a 40% fare increase on CT Transit riders and a 10% increase on Metro-North riders.  In real money this amounts to an increase of 50 cents per bus ride and as much as $3.70 more for a peak round-trip ticket from New Haven to Grand Central Terminal, raising the price for a day’s travel to $40.70.  CT Transit’s Dial-A-Ride program would see a 40% fare increase as well.

The budget’s release prompted a response from transportation, business, and civic groups including TSTC; metropolitan planning organizations; and transit agencies. In a letter released today, fourteen groups called on elected officials to oppose the 40% bus fare increase.

The governor’s press release describes the budget as a “no-tax” budget. But as the Transit for Connecticut letter points out, these fare increases amount to a regressive tax that “disproportionately burdens the citizens who can least afford it” and “negatively impacts the state’s efforts to encourage residents to use mass transit in order to alleviate congestion on our roads, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Governor Rell also proposes to eliminate the Town Aid for Roads program, an important funding stream that helps towns and municipalities keep their roadway system in a state of good repair.

Advocates will continue to oppose these fare hikes, and we hope constituents will be contacting their state legislators as well.


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[…] In response to Governor Rell’s proposal to balance the budget by hiking bus service fares by 40% and rail fares by 10%, New Haven Mayor John DeStefano, Connecticut Speaker of the House Chris Donovan and Representatives […]


[…] for federal operating aid in Connecticut, where Gov. Rell has proposed a budget that would increase bus fares by 40%. Bus riders in Connecticut make about half as much as drivers ($23,440 vs. $46,045 in the 2000 […]


[…] The year started off with a bang. In Governor Rell’s first iteration of the budget she proposed to raise bus and rail fares by 40% and 10% respectively. […]

15 years ago

i think the increase is friggn ridiculous i take the bus everyday i hope they do dont raise it


[…] that increased transit operating funds,  she then released a second budget in June that included a 40% fare increase on bus riders and a 10% fare hike on Metro-North. Advocates and legislators strongly criticized the […]

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