Public hearings on the MTA’s “doomsday” plan to raise fares and cut service continue tonight, at 6pm in Garden City at the Garden City Hotel (Grand Ballroom), 45 Seventh St. (map here). To avoid doomsday, state legislators and Gov. Paterson will have to pass the Ravitch Commission’s funding recommendations (including a payroll tax and tolls on East and Harlem River bridges) or find another way to fund the MTA by March.
To register ahead of time, call (212) 878-7483 or register at the hearing (registration will close at 9pm). Comments can be submitted online here or by mail to MTA Community Affairs, 347 Madison Ave, NY, NY 10017.
Planned Fare Increases for LIRR/LI Bus (more details here)
LIRR fares would increase by 24-29%. For example, a monthly ticket from Ronkonkoma to Penn Station would increase from $278 to $352 and a peak one-way ticket from Babylon to Jamaica would go from $6 to $7.50.
LI Bus fares would increase by at least 62.5% — from $2 to at least $3.25. Unlimited MetroCards would no longer be accepted on LI Bus; people transferring from NYC Transit or MTA Bus to LI Bus would have to pay a step-up fee covering the difference in fares.
LIRR/LI Bus Service Cuts
- Eliminate all service on N51, 53, 65, 66, 67, 80, 87, and 93 buses. Discontinue weekday peak period N2 extension to Jamaica.
- Eliminate weekend service on West Hempstead Branch.
- Reduce weekday off-peak and weekend service on the Port Washington Branch from half-hourly to hourly.
- Eliminate service to Belmont Station except for Belmont Stakes day.
For a full list of planned “service adjustments” and scheduled public hearings, visit the MTA’s website.