
TOD, Red-Light Camera Bills Pass NJ Lame Duck Legislature

On Monday NJ Gov. Jon Corzine signed into law two bills with an impact on transportation and land use that made it through the state legislature’s lame duck session (which ended last week).

State Senate President Richard Codey (D-Essex) sponsored the “Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act,” which offers tax credits to businesses that build or lease offices and create jobs near urban train stations. In order to be eligible, businesses must employ at least 250 people and invest in a facility within a half-mile of rail stations. These credits are available only to businesses that invest in cities eligible for urban aid and have a certain percentage of their property exempt from property taxes; currently, these cities are Jersey City, Hoboken, Trenton, Newark, New Brunswick, Paterson, Elizabeth, East Orange, and Camden.

Also signed into law was a bill creating a red-light camera pilot program. Outgoing State Sen. Joseph Coniglio sponsored the bill, which orders NJDOT to create a five-year pilot program which municipalities can apply to for permission to install red-light cameras at intersections. In their application, municipalities must identify intersection(s) they want to install cameras on, and provide evidence that a high violation rate exists at the intersection and the yellow light is sufficiently long (the required length varies with the documented speed of traffic at the intersection).

Red-light cameras have worked in NYC. In 2004, NYCDOT found that intersections with red-light cameras saw a 10% overall reduction in collision-related injuries and a 19% decline in pedestrian injuries over six years (see MTR # 464).

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[…] the persistent problem of traffic-related pedestrian injuries and deaths. The State Legislature passed a bill creating a red-light camera pilot program in January, and the City of Newark and NJDOT are working […]


[…] New Jersey supports these goals through laws including the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act passed in January. Connecticut and New York, though interested in TOD, are far behind in their efforts. By following […]


[…] recently passed the Senate Economic Growth Committee. During the 2006-2007 Session, the Legislature passed UTHTCA to catalyze economic development. Under the act, a business employing at least 250 employees that […]

16 years ago

[…] revitalizing urban hubs. Sponsored by Assembly Majority Leader Joe Roberts, A4048/S2299 expands the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit by broadening the definition of a “transit hub” to include light rail stations and […]

Red Light Cameras
14 years ago

New Jersey – Petition in your area. If you collect enough signatures the issue can be brought to a a public vote on a ballot

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