
Streetfilm: The Case for Better Cross-Hudson Bus Transit

Check out this just-released short film on cross-Hudson bus service, produced by Streetfilms and the Tri-State Transportation Campaign. In less than 3 minutes, it lays out why bus transit across the Hudson River is important, and how the Port Authority could improve service for the 315,000 people who take buses across the river every weekday.

The report comes on the heels of Express Route to Better Bus Service, a report TSTC released last month that examines cross-Hudson bus commuting in more detail.

(A high-quality version is available at Streetfilms, and the YouTube version is available here.)

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[…] And with the Lincoln Tunnel’s Express Bus Lane and the Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT) already at or near capacity, there’s just no way for the existing infrastructure to accommodate 1,703 more buses.  As the ARC project’s final environmental impact statement points out, “bus service levels would remain the same as existing conditions… due to capacity limitations at PABT.”  In other words, drastic improvements are necessary to allow more buses to enter Manhattan. Luckily, the Port Authority is already considering plans to increase bus capacity through the Lincoln Tunnel and at the PABT. (For more ideas about improving bus service across the Hudson, see TSTC and Streetfilms’s video from 2008.) […]


[…] Authority Bus Terminal, which has reached its capacity, as TSTC has pointed out in reports and videos. But New Jersey’s plan to divert over $1.5 billion in Port Authority money would make it much […]


[…] step towards addressing capacity limitations of PABT, which have long been a concern for transit advocates. Other measures to consider as part of this comprehensive study are the conversion of a general […]

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