
Most Pricing Hearing Witnesses Support Congestion Pricing

From Environmental Defense comes an interesting analysis of the public hearings on congestion pricing:

Fifty-seven percent of witnesses who testified at the recent hearings by the New York City Traffic Mitigation Commission support the concept of congestion pricing as a tool to reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions, according to a detailed analysis by Environmental Defense.

Of the 149 witnesses who testified, 85 witnesses supported the concept of congestion pricing. Of the supporters, 39 supported congestion pricing as originally proposed in PlaNYC, while 46 recommended changes or additions to the plan. Another 13 witnesses did not oppose congestion pricing, but suggested serious changes that would significantly change the plan. Most witnesses were either unaffiliated with an organization or represented civic groups which are not members of either the Campaign for New York’s Future or the organized opposition to congestion pricing.

ED’s analysis should be a reminder that public opinion on congestion pricing is more nuanced than can be measured by simple poll questions such as “Do you want to pay more?” It should also be a reminder that the proposed congestion pricing plan is not a plan that must be taken or left — it is the starting point of a conversation. The Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission’s first meeting since the close of public hearings is today at 2 pm. ED’s analysis suggests that congestion pricing should be kept at the core of whatever plan the commission eventually recommends.

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